
We are the Christian chaplaincy team for the Manchester Universities and RNCM, and we’re based at St Peter’s House.

We have a simple but challenging vision: ‘Everything is Connected’. For us, this means that God is at work in all things… It doesn’t really matter what words or language people use to express this, our task is just to journey alongside them as we together explore what this may mean. So what does being the ‘Christian chaplaincy team’ mean?

For us, it means living out the values of our faith in an authentic, gentle and fully inclusive way. We recognise that the values of our faith are not exclusive to us but shared by many of different and no faiths. We seek to live in community and conversation, building an inclusive, vibrant and diverse community of fellow wonderers.

SPH On A Bench

Fancy talking to someone who’s not your new flatmate, your tutor or your mum? Your old ride or die seeming a long way away…? We have a small and not-weird team who are available to meet, on a bench – socially distanced, obviously – if you need to talk. No topic is out-of-bounds, and we have team members representing the more progressive and inclusive colours of the rainbow of all the major faiths.

We’re an inclusive, safe space for all, and love our LGBTQI+ brothers and sisters. You folk have been dealt a seriously bad hand by religion over the years – it’s been ugly, dark and wrong. We’re here if you want to talk about any of this.

If you’d like to arrange to chat to a member of the team, please email or call 0161 275 2894.”

Looking for a Church?

It might be that you are new to Manchester and are looking for a Church to be part of, we’re well connected and can make suggestions for places that you might want to try. Get in touch and we’ll try and match you up nicely!

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