St Peter's Invitation

St Peter's House

Everything we do at St Peter’s House is because of who we are and what we believe.
Informed by our Christian faith, we believe that ‘Everything is Connected’ – people,
community, health, spirituality, well-being, the search for understanding…. It all

Everything flourishes when one thing leads to another.

St Peter’s House Board of Trustees Closure Statement



St Peter’s House Chaplaincy has been a vibrant place of community for over fifty years, and in recent years many of you will have come to know and love it for the support and community you find here every day. It is with sadness that the trustees of St Peter’s House now inform you that the charity’s operations are to be wound up over the coming months. There are financial challenges, and the charity’s work can no longer continue. 


The organisations that have funded St Peter’s House recognise the ongoing and pressing need for a reimagined Christian chaplaincy, and give their assurance that work is underway to continue this vital offer for the staff and students of Manchester’s universities.



As our services close in the weeks to come, appropriate support will be put in place for those who currently rely on the services and support offered by St Peter’s House. Over the past fifty years and until the present day, we know that many have come to find a sense of home here and we look forward to marking this time of closure with thanksgiving together. 

All Will Be Well

Underlying our work over the past few years has been a reflection on the words of the medieval mystic known as Julian of Norwich.  Like us, she lived through a time of plague, death and fear – and also experienced a long period of self-isolation, although hers was self-chosen as she withdrew to her Anchorage for a life of reflection on the visions she received near death.

The words, ‘All Will Be Well’ lead us on with hope, but also present challenge and questions.


We are the Christian chaplaincy team for the Manchester Universities and RNCM, and we’re based at St Peter’s House.

We have a simple but challenging vision: ‘Everything is Connected’. For us, this means that God is at work in all things… It doesn’t really matter what words or language people use to express this, our task is just to journey alongside them as we together explore what this may mean. So what does being the ‘Christian chaplaincy team’ mean?

For us, it means living out the values of our faith in an authentic, gentle and fully inclusive way. We recognise that the values of our faith are not exclusive to us but shared by many of different and no faiths. We seek to live in community and conversation, building an inclusive, vibrant and diverse community of fellow wonderers.


St. Peter’s House Chaplaincy CIO (Charity No: 1166935)  is a small charity that works with a broad range of University and Denominational partners.  The partners are represented on a board of trustees which has responsibility for overseeing the charity.   The board ensures that SPH follows best practice and as part of that the following policies have been approved:

If you want more details about the charity please contact our chair.


All Will Be Well

Today saw our ‘All Will Be Well’ artwork rolled-up and removed from the front of St Peter’s House. It has been strange and sad watching

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Embracing the Unexpected…

St Peter’s House has always been a place of The Unexpected. Unexpected people, unexpected questions, unexpected conversations, unexpected experiences, unexpected news. Some good, some bad.

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